2nd EBR Conference 2021: Keynote speakers

“Evidence Ecosystems and learning health systems: What are they and why bother?”

Per Olav Vandvik | Chief Executive Director and co-founder of the MAGIC Evidence Ecosystem Foundation, Professor of Medicine Oslo University, Norway.

The role of EBR in the Evidence Ecosystem

Jennifer Yost | Associate Professor at the M. Louise Fitzpatrick College of Nursing, Villanova University, USA and Vice-leader of the Program Management Group, EVBRES.

Involvement of end users in research when planning new research (EBR)

Jennifer Johannesen | Bioethicist, producer of Matters of Engagement podcast. Toronto, Canada.

How to involve end users in the planning of new research in a more systematic and transparent way

Heather Munthe-Kaas | Researcher at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health.

Access to and availability of evidence synthesis

Gabriel Rada | Director of the Evidence-Based Healthcare Program at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Co-founder, president and CEO of the Epistemonikos foundation.

More efficient production, updating and dissemination of evidence syntheses

Guy Tsafnat | Founder and Chief Scientific Officer Evidentli, Fellow of the Australia Institute of Digital Health.

The role of EBR in the knowledge to action cycle

Maureen Dobbins | Professor in the School of Nursing at McMaster University, Director of Health Evidence, and Scientific Director of the National Collaborating Centre Methods and Tools, Canada.

The challenges of implementing EBR in different research environments

Taryn Young | Professor and Lead of Centre for Evidence-Based Health Care, Division of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, and the Department of Global Health, at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Stellenbosch University, South Africa.