
**Videos of 1st and 2nd EVBRES Conferences are available to watch on the EVBRES YouTube Channel**

Video of Second EVBRES Workshop, Tartu, Estonia
At 02:10 – Welcome by Jarek Mäestu, Vice-Dean of Faculty of Medicine, University of Tartu
At 07:12 – Welcome by Katrin Kaarna, Head of Clinical Research Centre of TU & TU Hospital
At 10:06 – Presentation of the EVBRES Network and its mission, Hans Lund, Chair of EVBRES
Matt Westmore talks about the importance of EBR for Funding Agencies
Malcolm Macleod on the importance of EBR for Medical Journals and how
WG1-Activity 3 plans to address this issue
Simon Kolstoe speaks about the implications of EBR for Ethics Committees
Barbara Nußbaumer-Streit, leader of WG3, on the efficient production and updating of systematic reviews
Sveinbjörn Gizurarson explains why Clinical Health Researchers need an evidence-based research approach
A webinar “How to conduct EBR” presented by Hans Lund & Klara Brunnhuber is available at the Elsevier Researcher Academy. Click here to watch.